Is getting up early worth it?

Sean Barrett
2 min readApr 13, 2022

When I was in UNI, I decided to get up at 7am every day to do an hour of work before the day started.

I got more work done but, I would never do it again.

So many people online sell the idea of waking up early to do more work and change your life.

Does it really work, let’s look at the results of my experiment.

  • I lost my social life and I had to go to bed before everyone else
  • Led to sleep deprivation at times
  • My quality of work suffered because of lack of sleep

Social events which were on in the evening I couldn’t participate in or if I did go to the social event, it would ruin my routine and stop me working in the morning for a day or two because of lack of sleep.

I have the same number of hours during the day as I will still sleep the same number of hours so doing work in the morning doesn’t matter. Why would I wake up early to do work when I could do work in the day and have a more consistent sleep schedule and continue with my social life.

Having enough sleep is important, I have a full night sleep regardless of if I get up early or late and still do an hour or more work a day. I do this by completing work after I come back from my job or in the evening on a weekend.

Working in the evening gives me a lot of flexibility compared to working first thing in the morning additionally, In the afternoon is when I feel most productive so I am more motivated to work.

Originally published at on April 13, 2022.

